
My Videos on Personal Finance, Stock Investing and Productivity. These are from you YouTube channel. 

My YouTube Channel

I started a YouTube channel in Mid 2019 to share interactive content on Personal Finance, Stock Investing, Health Insurance, Productivity, and Time Management. The channel presently has 116 videos and over 1,18,000 views. There are presently 7,500+ subscribers. If these topics are of interest to you, do subscribe to my YouTube Channel, to get alerts when new videos are posted.

How to Analyze a Stock

Long-term equity investing allows for creating wealth and even financial freedom. However, a vast majority, who wish to pursue this journey are not aware of the path. This video series is an attempt to help you with a framework to analyze stocks for long-term investment. This is 15 part video that discusses an 8-step approach to analyzing a stock for long-term investment. The view duration of the entire series is ~4 hours. As of the date this series collectively has 61000+ views. These videos are must watch, if you are a long-term investor. As you watch try to apply this framework to the stocks that you hold or wish to buy. This way you get a chance to do a “hands-on” as you see these videos. What are these 15 videos about…


This video gives a high-level overview of the steps in analyzing a stock.

In this 8 minute video, I share the background of the series, my investment journey and how I put down these steps for analyzing stock.

I then discuss in detail what is in each of the steps from 0 to 7 and the importance of doing the analysis, one step after the other.

Stock Idea / Screening

Getting a Stock Idea – The first step for your journey to wealth.

These 2 part 25 minutes video, I discuss the different approach for fishing stock ideas, the strengths of each approach and a practical handson.

Business Quality

Even the best management cannot succeed in a bad quality business!

Warren Buffet classifies a business as Great, Good, and Gruesome. Business can be segregated into one of these three using a few metrics. 

This 15 minutes video discusses in detail the various metrics to identify if the business in hand is good/great to invest in or gruesome to avoid.

Management Quality

These three videos help you to gauge the management.

Evaluating the management is generally treated as a grey area. There are Qualitative and Quantitative means to evaluate the management. In these three-part 38 minutes video, I discuss the various options with real cases.

Analysis of Growth

Growth is very much essential dimension for long term investing.

These 2 part 48 minutes video, discuss ways to evaluation growth and various disruptions to growth. 

Financial Statement Analysis

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These 2-part 42 minutes videos, discuss the pointers to do effective Financial Statement Analysis and gather inferences from the numbers.


Having identified a stock for investment, the focus next is on valuation.

In these 2 part 35 minutes videos, I discuss the various valuation techniques and make a BUY decision. It also introduces the idea of the “Margin of Safety”.

The Final Steps

The closing steps discuss the Investment thesis, Sell triggers, and our behavioral biases.

In these 2-part 37 minutes videos, I close the series with an investment thesis, its use at the time of selling, and the importance of our behaviors in investing success.

Health Insurance

The details will be updated by the first week of May 2022. However, you can view the videos from my YouTube channel.

Productivity and Time Management

The details will be updated by the first week of May 2022. However, you can view the videos from my YouTube channel.

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