Welcome to this comprehensive blog on the valuable resources provided by Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal. This blog covers a wide range of resources, including his interviews, book recommendations, wealth creation studies, and mind maps (created by me). In this blog, we will explore the various resources he has shared over the years, providing a wealth of knowledge and insights for those interested in investing and wealth creation.
Hi, This is Venkatesh. I write on Personal Finance, Stock Investing, Productivity and Time Management. You will be interested to read more about me and the purpose of my website.
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- Most of the contents in this blog are from the interviews by Mr Raamdeo Agrawal and Wealth Creation Studies report available public domain.
- Any stock mentions are only for the illustration of an idea. They are not any kind of recommendations.
Although I read 50-60 different books on investing, I couldn’t connect the knowledge well enough to create a meaningful investment philosophy. However, after watching a few videos of Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal in 2015, I was able to see a bigger picture of how different facets of investing are connected. I owe him a lot for the knowledge that I gained from his interviews.
In this blog, you will find the resources that I referred to. Additionally, check out my previous 5 blogs that carry the key learnings and knowledge shared by Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal in his interviews and media appearances.
- July: 100X Returns through Equities & Wealth Creation – Duration: 83 minutes
- September: 100x Strategy & Update on PMS – Duration: 64 minutes
- August: Thank God It’s Friday With Raamdeo Agrawal – Duration: 65 minutes
- September: Discover The Art Of Wealth Creation – Duration: 34 minutes
- February: Presenting At The Treasury Elite Conclave – Duration: 43 minutes
- November: Raamdeo Agrawal on Indian Stock Market – Duration: 23 minutes
How to Invest in Equities
This is a 5-part interview by Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal to Bloomberg Quint covering various dimensions of investing.
Part 1 – Power of Focus
Part 2 – Power of Compounding
Part 3 – Power of Quality
Part 4 – Power of Price
Part 5 – Power of Value Migration
December: My Multibagger Formula, at India Economic Conclave – Duration: 20 minutes
June: Raamdeo Agrawal’s lessons learnt from 30 years of investing – Duration: 70 minutes
October: What should an investor do in this bull-run on ET Now – Duration: 29 minutes
- August: Wealth Creation Strategies by Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal – Duration: 52 minutes
- September: How To Make Money Through Stock Markets Interview By Vijai Mantri – Duration – 30 minutes
- October: Raamdeo Agrawal’s Great Advice For New Investors & Market Insights – Duration: 25 minutes
- November: 5 gems of advice from ace investor Raamdeo Agrawal, Forbes India Pathbreakers – Duration: 23 minutes
January: Will The Next Decade Belong To India? – 60 minutes
Wealth Creation Studies
Investors were always looking for an investment philosophy or a magic formula to make money consistently. This search led to the Wealth Creation Studies in 1996. Raamdeo Agrawal spends two months every year improving the formula through these studies. He reads many books to help him in wealth creation studies. Each year a theme is chosen for study. The biggest help or input comes from the books.
Investors can download the report of these studies from this link.

In recent years, Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal has been live streaming the Wealth Creation Studies on social media platforms. The videos can be found in the YouTube playlist, “Wealth Creation Study.” During the event, he presents the theme of the study and shares his insights. Subsequently, there is a fireside chat with other investors or top management personnel from different companies, who share their views on the study. Notably, these fireside chats have featured participation from eminent investors such as Shri Rakesh Jhunjhunwala and Sanjoy Bhattacharyya in the past.

Bonus - Mind Maps
This 4 page Mind Map is from MOSL Wealth Creation Studies for the years 20017 – 2020 covering CAP, GAP, Management Integrity, QGLP Checklist & drivers of equity value.
Key Books and Learnings
Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal in his interview, The Power of Price, has shared a few books / key learnings, which will be useful for retail investors.
Berkshire Hathaway Letters
Warren Buffett writes these letters to his shareholders every year. For Raamdeo Agrawal, these letters have given a lot of insights and changed his investing approach altogether. These letters are available in the Berkshire Hathaway website.
On Up Wall Street
The book advocates common sense investing and emphasizes not betting against India. To make money in the market, being an optimist is a must, even before analyzing stocks. The next 30 years will be exhilarating as India could soon produce $100 billion companies and even Trillion dollar companies in the author’s lifetime.
Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
Helps to have a framework and structural thinking. Scuttlebutt lessons are timeless. Before investing, one must know how the company is making money. Every business does not do well in every country. In fact this book is to be read even before the BRK Annual reports.
Intelligent Investor
Read the one-page introduction by Warren Buffett. Two chapters carry a very important message
- Chapter 8: Stocks are nothing by pieces of business
- Chapter 20: are the important relating to Margin of Safety
Competitive Advantage by Michael Porter
This is the Mother of all books to learn about competitive strategy. The book discusses five forces and strategies. Another alternative is to listen to the YouTube videos by the author.
The Snowball
One can understand the effort Warren Buffett made to go from 0-1000 dollars. In fact, he earned that $1,000 by reading a book.
Value Migration
Adrian Slyworzky introduced the concept of “Value Migration” in his book “Value Migration” in the 1990s, which remains relevant and applicable today.
To Conclude...
The resources and insights shared by Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal can be invaluable for any investor looking to improve their investment strategy and knowledge. From his interviews to his book recommendations and wealth creation studies, there is a wealth of information available that can help investors create a strong investment philosophy and approach. these resources help you with lot of insights into your own investment journey.
Hope you found this blog useful. Do share any additional resources you have in the comments section. Kindly share my blogs with your friends, peers and fellow investors.