In this blog, we will cover the key insights of Metropolis Healthcare. The company is a leading player in West India with more than 50% revenue from the region. It has ambitions to expand to North and East regions of India. Metropolis Healthcare has business outside India in South Asia, Africa and Middle East countries.
(Featured Image Credits: Cover page of 2022 Annual Report.)
Brief Background of this Blog Series
Diagnostics Industry was of interest to me since 2017. However, I could spend dedicated time only during 2021 to study this industry. The contents that you see in the coming blogs were mined from Annual Reports, Concalls, RHP, and Management interviews.
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Earlier Blogs in Diagnostics Industry
Business Segment
Metropolis Healthcare segments its business on the basis of type of types of customers. There are three types of customers Acute Patients, Chronic Patients and Preventive customers. You may ready the earlier blog to understand the details of the unique natures of these three customers.
In the below image, each of the segments is compared against the Doctor referrals, Pricing power and impact of competition from online players.
Reference to image: Metropolis Investor Presentation Nov 2022.

Their Journey
Metropolis Healthcare started its journey in 1981. It has a 30+ years legacy with three phases in its journey. There are three phases in their journey.
- 1981 – 2001: Foundation
- 2001 – 2015: Building Pillars of Business
- 2015 onwards: Transformation and Expansion

Acquisitions are one of the key strategies for growth. The company has a successful track record of inorganic growth. Metropolis Healthcare has made 28 acquisitions so far. Below is the list of key acquisitions. (Reference to Image: Metropolis Healthcare Nov 2022 Investor Presentation)

The below image has more details of all their acquisitions with additional details of their journey.
Reference to image: Sector Update (Diagnostics) by B&K Securities released in December 2020.


Management Views
These are snippets from Management during interviews or concalls.
Price competition is not there much. Remember when someone is not well in a family, the family members are not shopping around who does the cheapest test, but they are shopping around who will give the correct report. People come to the Pathology lab once or twice a year and the average spend is around 500 to 600 rupees. So this will not bankrupt them nor a frequent spend. So people do not go bankrupt due to diagnosis. They spend a lot of money in hospitals. So price is not a huge concern for patients.
Disruption by Online Players
In health care, it is important to understand that trust, science and consistency of reports and test play a very critical role. In diagnostics, the doctor’s medication to a patient is based on the basis of a scientific correct lab report. Also, we have to remember that in the illness space, tests are not commoditized. A liver function profile that 1 lab is not the same as another. So, a simple price comparison is difficult when the ingredients are not the same. Doctors understand these nuances, although patients don’t. And this is where we believe pricing disruption will be lower in the illness space because doctors who are the biggest influencers in diagnostics value chain are more concerned about the quality of the lab and the consistency of the report rather than only pricing, especially in situations of moderate to critical illness. (Source: May 2022, Concall Transcript)
What are referring to most likely is the public private partnership if it is in a hospital where the government has a tender and ask labs to bid for setting up a lab inside their public hospital and these tenders are available there, this is not the focus of the Metropolis business model for various reasons often we find that the pricing and the quality scope and parameters of these tenders tend to be very different from what we are comfortable with, the practices are not what we are comfortable with and therefore we are very, very selective about if we ever get into a public private partnership is very selective about the kind of work we do, as far as working with private hospitals we do that, we do have lab, which run inside hospitals, we do take care of their patients and run the labs inside hospitals like you said it is rent free, but then you are also sharing a significant portion of your revenue with the hospital for managing that lab inside it, that is the model that makes sense it is the commercial terms affairs, which in some cases they are we do the deals, in some cases where they are not even to competitors to do if they would like to pick up a non-profitable business. (Source: August 2022, Concall Transcript)
Business Insights
Key Numbers

Future Ambitions
Metropolis has a 6 dimension strategy to support its future ambitions.
- Network Expansion
- Focus on Home Visits
- Specialized Leadership Team
- Deepening Digital Touchpoints
- Margin Expansion
- Hitech Integration

1. Network Expansion Plan

2. Focus on Home Visits

4. Digital Touch Points

5. Margin Expansion

6. Hitec Integration

Strategy for B2C Sales

Focus on Wellness Segment
Metropolis has recently entered the Wellness Segment (Preventive Healthcare). Their strategy for this segment is:
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Network Strategy
Metropolis has three kinds of city networks:
Focus cities: There are 5 cities, in this network. Metropolis Healthcare is leader in these cities.
Seeding cities: These have a lot of growth potential. The strategy is to make them into Focus cities over a period of time.
Other Cities: These cover Tier II and Tier III cities.

Presence across Test Menu
In our earlier blog, we discussed that there are three kinds of tests: Routing, Semi-specialized and Specialized Tests. Metropolis Healthcare is known for credibility and specialized test. These tests are slightly higher priced than a normal routine test. Metropolis Healthcare has a mix of three tests.

Opportunities for Growth

To Close…
Did you find this kind of analysis of the company useful? If Yes, do give me a thumbs up, I will post similar insights for remaining 4 diagnostics chains.
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