Hi Friends, I’m Venkatesh Jayaraman, a Personal Finance enthusiast, an Investor, and a Productivity / Time Management Strategist. Thank you for visiting! Welcome to my first blog post.
I’ve been investing over the last several years and have learned a lot along the way. I’m passionate about helping others achieve their financial goals, and I am excited to share my knowledge and insights with you through my blog page.
These blogs will help you with the information you need to make informed financial decisions. I hope you’ll find my blog helpful and informative. Please feel free to leave comments and share your thoughts. I’m always happy to help in any way I can.
Do read About Me for more details of my journey.
Why I created this Website?
I have always been passionate about sharing my learnings, knowledge, and experience. As a student, I shared with my friends. As a professional, I shared with my peers and team members. In 2018, I started sharing my learnings on personal finance and stock investing through Twitter and YouTube.
Why did I then create this website, when I was already using Social Media?
There are three main reasons why I created this website.
- Firstly, I felt a strong inner urge to have my own space on the web for my voice, writing, and contents.
- Secondly, the character restrictions on Twitter hindered my free flow of writing. A blog page was the answer. Most of the topics that I shared earlier were 1 to 2 pages. These are ideal candidates to go as a blog.
- Lastly, I have shared many presentations, reports, mindmaps, infographics and eBooks on various topics. The files were uploaded in a drive and the link shared on Twitter. These contents were scattered in various Tweets. There were frequent suggestions from friends to have a website with these contents and a blog around my interests.
In view of all these reasons, I decided to go for a website.
The idea behind the name of the website
Success Project is the name on the website. Why did I name it so? What were the thoughts behind this choice?
This is a subjective idea. What is success to one could be nothing to another person. For example, a small child who can walk a few feet for the first time has achieved success, while a mountaineer who scales a mountain has also achieved success. Dictionaries define success as the achievement of our desired goals. There are two stages:
- Stage 1: We must have a goal that we desire to achieve
- Stage 2: To achieve this desired goal, one needs knowledge, guidance, focussed execution, and strong motivation among many other things.
The first part, desiring a goal is something very easy for any of us. In general, most of us would have the following goals:
- Students: Good scores/academic excellence
- Working professionals: Career acceleration leading to better pay package
- Self-employed or an entrepreneur: Success in business
- A few common desires for anyone could be (1) Financial Freedom, (2) Early retirement with a quality lifestyle, and (3) To live a fulfilling life
- For most of us, achieving the desires around Financial Freedom and early retirement is closely tied to another goal of having successful investments.
Achieving the Desired
The second part, achieving this desired goal is tough. To put it differently, here is where the real action takes place. You face challenges, and many hurdles in reaching your goal. Lack of guidance adds another layer of a barrier.
Furthermore, many questions would kick into your mind:
- What should one do to achieve these goals?
- What path should they take or avoid?
- What options are available (or) best suits them?
…and so on goes the questions. Whenever you lack answers all of a sudden you:
- Lack clarity on the next steps,
- Doubt your capabilities to achieve the goal, and
- Do mistakes/fall into pitfalls, which definitely costs you money and time.
During such situations guidance is very valuable. This must be particularly from someone, who has already succeeded in these goals or from someone who already has done ample research and trekked their journey with similar goals.
The Name...
Success Project is the name of my website because I believe that everyone can achieve success, no matter what their goals are. To achieve success, one must set their mind to it and take action. In this regard, my website can be of value to you, providing my learnings and experience on personal finance, stock investing, productivity, and time management.
The name Success Project was chosen because it is a positive and inspiring name that reflects the essence of my website. It is a place where people can learn about success and how to achieve their goals. With the help of my website, people can avoid pitfalls and speed up their journey with confidence in achieving their goals around personal finance, stock investing, productivity, and time management.
While these topics are essential to success in financial and professional life, success is not just about money or fame. It is about living a fulfilling life, which means having a balance in all areas of life, including personal, professional, financial, health, and social life.
What readers can expect?

Image credits: The images used in this page were downloaded from https://passionhacks.com/free isometric illustrations/
On my website, you can find
- 3-5 blogs a month on topics around Personal Finance, Stock Investing, Productivity, and Time Management.
- These would be from my learnings and experience.
Additionally, in future I plan to publish interviews with successful people from different walks of life.
I frequently emphasize that only reading content does not help you much. Reading has three parts:
- It’s essential to understand that reading is just the first part of the learning process.
- Reflection on the ideas to fit your reality is the second part, and
- Implementing these ideas is the final and most powerful part.
Unfortunately, many of us stop after the first part. So, I encourage you to read my contents, reflect on them, and implement them in your life to experience their benefits.
It is time to Thank.
I thank all the Twitter friends who constantly suggested having a website and the few friends and well-wishers who supported me in several ways to make this dream a reality. Below is an alphabetical list of friends who permitted me to list their names. I also thank the few friends who supported me but preferred not to be listed.

Anshul Khare
Twitter: @_anshulkhare / Website: https://anshulkhare.in
Anshul, thank you for giving me the confidence that I can create this website. I appreciate your reviews of the site and, above all, for giving me your time to clarify my doubts on various topics.

Ashutosh Agrawal
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/hindiuniversity
Ashu Ji, Thanks for your reviews, feedback, and suggestions for the website. Ashu’s Intro: He is very passionate about teaching Hindi. Conducts online class on Sundays & has uploaded 550 videos in 12 years.

Twitter: @FI_InvestIndia / Website: http://www.fundamental-investor.com/
Dear FI, I thank you for supporting and encouraging my content, and for providing feedback on this website.

Kannan, one of my best friends and well-wishers, has been instrumental in supporting me over the last several weekends. He shared his views, reviews, suggestions, and brainstorming sessions to shape this site. Thanks to his efforts, the website has become a reality.

Dr. M. Pattabiraman
Twitter: @FreeFinCal / Website: https://freefincal.com/
I thank Pattu for emphasizing in our conversations that I need to have my own space for my content. I appreciate his quick responses, guidance, and support in developing this website

Twitter: @stocknladdr / Website: https://stockandladder.com/
Thank you, Ravi, for motivating me to create my website. Your message, “Pursue excellence in whatever you do and rewards will follow,” is something that will stay with me forever.

Twitter: @Vivek_Investor
Thank you for voluntarily coming forward, Vivek, to give feedback and suggestions on my content and videos. I also appreciate your time in reviewing and giving feedback on this website.
In summary, this first blog is more of my journey, ambition, and intent for this website. How did you like it? Your suggestions to improve the website are welcome. Do share your comments.
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